среда, 10 апреля 2013 г.

The Role of Mass Media

Mass media play an important role in modern society. We live in the era of information which is necessary for our life, work and entertainment. Mass media give us all kinds of information. The most important media are newspapers, radio and television and the Internet. 
All the mass media have their advantages. On the one hand, they supply us with political and other important information, entertain and give food for thought. On the other hand, they have some disadvantages. You can read a newspaper wherever you want, but you need a radio set if you want to listen to it. You can watch TV if you have electricity. You need both telephone and electricity to use the Internet. But the worst thing about mass media is advertising. It is useful, of course, to get information about new goods and services, but nobody likes when their favourite films are interrupted. One more disadvantage is that information is not always reliable, especially on the Internet.
Nowadays it is difficult to find a house without a TV set, a radio, magazines or newspapers. Of course, TV is the most popular. There are many programmes that keep people informed of current events in politics, sports, economics and so on. Besides, you can watch a lot of entertaining programmes. They let people relax, make them forget about their problems. No doubt, different people watch different programmes. Some enjoy detective movies, others are fond of horror films. Some people are interested in music concerts.
On the whole, it is hard to imagine modern society without mass media.

  1. Translate into English:
Современное общество, развлечение, с одной стороны, с другой стороны, читать газету, слушать радио, смотреть телевизор, товары и услуги, любимый фильм, достоверная информация, текущие события, развлекательные программы,  расслабиться, заставить забыть о  своих проблемах, без сомнения, детективы, фильмы ужасов, в целом.

  1. Make up sentences. Mind word order.
1.      Is, information, entertainment, for, life, necessary, our, work, and.
2.      Mass, and, have, media, advantages, all, their, disadvantages.
3.      Don’t, when, people, their, films, favourite, like, interrupts, advertising.
4.      On the Internet, not, is, always, reliable, information.
5.      Many, there, different, are, on TV, programmes.
6.      Programmes, people, forget, problems, entertaining, let, their, about.

  1. Complete the sentences:
1.      The most important mass media are...
2.      Mass media supply people with...
3.      To use the Internet you need...
4.      From advertising people can get ...
5.      The most popular mass medium nowadays is...
6.      Many TV programmes keep people informed of...

  1. Answer the questions:
1. What is the role of mass media in the modern society?
2. What kinds of media do you know?
3. Do the media have advantages and disadvantages? What are they?
4. Is TV the most popular medium nowadays? Why do you think so?
5. What programmes are you fond of?
6. Can you imagine our life without mass media? Give your reasons.

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