понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.

Education System of Belarus

Each citizen of the Republic of Belarus is guaranteed the right to get education. The multilevel system established in the country allows exercising the right to the full extent. 
Preschool education
It includes a net of preschool establishments differing by types and profile of work with children. For children under age 6 there are such types of preschool establishments as nursery, preprimary school, kindergarten, kindergarten-school.
According to the profile they can be divided into institutions of general purpose, specialty schools, sanatory infant schools, special infant schools for psychophysically-challenged children, preschool centres of child’s development.
General secondary education
The majority of girls and boys come to school for the first time when they are 6 years old. The first four years of school are devoted to acquiring basic skills and habits of writing, reading, counting; mastering primary knowledge of the nature, society and man; getting acquainted with principles of personal hygiene and healthy way of life.
The main objective of the primary school is not only the development of physical and intellectual capabilities of schoolchildren, ethical and moral properties of a personality, but the formation of children's steady interest to studies. The basic and secondary school is ahead, which envisages mandatory studying of subjects of the social-and-humanitarian cycle (the Belarusian and Russian languages and literatures, Foreign Language, History of Belarus and the World's History, Man and Society), natural-and-scientific cycle (Mathematics, Informatics, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry) and aesthetic cycle (music, fine arts, world artistic culture), physical training and labor education.
The continuity and succession principles let schoolchildren proceed from one stage to the next one replenishing the store of their knowledge. By the way, the 10-grade assessment system of knowledge substituted the 5-grade scale several years ago in order to enhance individual approach to pupils and students.
Establishments of general secondary education are allowed to set up gymnasia classes, classes with profiled subject study, to introduce optional subjects and courses, to hold sustaining, stimulating and other types of classes. The introduction of the curriculum school component allowed to make education in senior classes of schools of general education, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges a profiled one, directed to further education at appropriate educational institutions or to a certain sphere of labor activity.
Vocational Education
Vocational education is one of the most important links of the national educational system involved in qualified working staff training. Over 240 educational establishments belong to the sector (of them 235 are state-run and 7 are private). They include vocational schools, colleges and professional lyceums where training in over 300 professions is conducted. At present, preference is given to broad specialist training thus contracting training in particular specialties.
Special secondary education
Special secondary education (secondary vocational education) aims at providing the republic with qualified staff. Staff training at state special secondary educational establishments (technical schools, colleges, secondary schools-colleges of Arts, gymnasium-colleges of Arts, linguistic gymnasium-colleges, vocational colleges and others) is conducted in over 150 professions for all branches of national economy. The list of specialties and curricula are updated annually to meet the modern labor market requirements and correspond with educational establishments’ resources.
Higher education in the Republic of Belarus
Altogether there are 57 higher educational establishments, of which 43 are state owned (28 universities, 8 academies, 1 institute, 5 higher colleges, 1 higher school), 13 are private and 2 are run by religious organizations. Every establishment occupies its particular niche in training of highly qualified staff for various branches of national economy.
Classical and profile universities as well as institutes are classified as higher educational establishments of university type and provide a two level system of higher education with academic degrees of Bachelor and Master.
3 forms of learning are available at Belarusian higher educational establishments: full-time, evening and by correspondence. Full-time learning is the most widespread and in the greatest demand with 2/3 of the students. Less than 1% of students use evening form of learning and over 35% of students learn by correspondence.
A combination of various forms of learning is accepted, so is learning on individual curricula. The efficiency of any form of learning is ensured by eminently qualified teaching staff including a large number of candidates and doctors of science, associate professors and professors.
Establishments providing postgraduate education include higher educational establishments (regardless of pattern of ownership), scientific and other organizations entitled to engage in postgraduate education in accordance with established procedure.
Belarusian education is popular among foreign students. Fifty-one institutions provide paid education services to foreign citizens. The education is given in Belarusian and Russian. Its cost is set by the education institutions themselves with respect to each profession in accordance with international practice in the field.
Around 130 foreign citizens do postgraduate courses at Belarusian research institutions and institutions of higher learning every year.

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